Why 48V power supply is the future direction of development
We believe that the development direction of the large server room of traditional UPS structure and micro module semi distributed UPS has been very clear, but these structures are more or less exist issues which efficiency and cost of UPS at this level are not optimal. Therefore, the city power supply technology, or the electricity directly supply to the server and other IT equipment, and do a good job of power failure protection, should be the next step in the development of data center power supply technology. With the rapid development of technology of the whole power supply cabinet , we think the two will be combined together, the adoption of BBU built-in power down protection of city power supply plug box + frame battery scheme will be the next step of development direction. SHW48200 48VDC Outdoor Power Supply MPPT Off-Grid Telecom Station Solar Hybrid System ■Adopt advanced MCU microprocessor control technology. ■Advanced MPPT Technology, h...